Memory enhancement in children
memory in children
Scientists knew the importance of memory, so they researched it a lot, and linked it with the concept of forgetting, and developed theories that help explain forgetting and its impact, and how to stimulate and strengthen memory. Closely related to memory, and some tips on how to strengthen it in children
concept of remembrance
The concept of remembering refers to the mental process that includes storing learned information for a period of time, and remembering includes: memorizing and retrieving information. Scientists link memory and motivation, as scientific studies have proven that memory activity is greater and stronger the greater the child's motivation and desire to learn and know
the concept of forgetting
Forgetting is defined as the total or partial failure to retrieve information stored in memory, which is a temporary or permanent loss of all or some of the information that was previously acquired.
Children's forgetfulness theories
Scientists have tried to understand forgetfulness, find out its causes, explain and treat it, and many theories have emerged that have tried to explain it, including
§ Damage theory: This theory focuses on the temporal factor, as it is based on the fact that the information that is stored in the memory automatically weakens with the passage of time, and therefore to activate the learning and memory of the child, the information must be repeated and reviewed constantly, and used as much as possible in daily life to remain preserved and not forgotten.
§ Interference theory: This theory attributes the causes of forgetting to the interference of the new information received by the child with the information previously stored in his memory. Using appropriate methods to explain the information to the child to memorize it without interfering with the previous education with the new helps the child not to forget.
§ The acquired incompleteness theorem: This theory links the recollection of complete and total information, as information that has a clear, integrated and understandable meaning is easy to remember, and meaningless or incomplete experiences are more likely to be forgotten.
§ Impact change theory: This theory considered that forgetting is a distortion in the stored information, or modification of it, and ignoring some details in this information due to one or more physiological factors that occur over time, and this theory confirmed the so-called “organization phenomenon”, which he considered Many researchers are one of the important aspects of long-term memory, and they indicate that organizing information for a child in a specific sequence and order makes it easier for him to retain and remember that information and not forget it..
Tips for developing memory in children
There are several ways to help the child retrieve the information he previously held and to develop his memory, including:
§ That the information that the child is asked to learn is easy, familiar and meaningful to him, and relates to reality as much as possible.
§ That the child be explained what he is expected to remember, and that parents or teachers motivate the child to have a motive to learn or memorize and thus remember.
§ Organizing information with links or symbols that are easy for the child to remember, such as organizing information that shares links between them together.
§ Stay away from everything that could distract the child, and the time and place should be suitable for receiving information so that it is easy to remember.
§ Using the method of continuous training and repetition and repetition of the information that the child is asked to remember.
§ That the child be away from emotional tension, and that parents and teachers enhance his self-confidence.
§ Pay attention to the causes that lead to forgetfulness, try to treat them, and avoid them while educating the child.
foods that piety memory when children
from better roads to strengthen memory when children eater proper, where that food healthy and proper for him Effect old in a brains children and their memory, the brain Absorbs Benefit from foods like a body completely, And there some foods that useful the brain, Such as
§ butter pistachio: that butter pistachio from foods that help children in the form of old, Which rich with vitamin "h" and he opposite oxidation and protects membranes nervousness, as that butter Beans Contains On Matter thiamine, Which Matter useful very for the brain.
§ salmon and tuna: that acids Oily from quality Omega "3" she has Benefits big very to grow the brain and to improve his functions, Which help On improvement skills mental I have children.
§ oats: Prepare oats source excellent supply the brain powered, and he is rich with vitamins "NS" And "h" and zinc Which Motivate the brain To provide better performance for him.
§ the meat bovine: and he from Sources the mission for iron Which keeps On energy focus, and zinc Which helps On memory.
§ cereal: where Availability cereal complete glucose Which Prepare Source energy for the brain, and on vitamin "NS" useful for the device nervous, And so Advise eating children for bread from cereal complete.
§ eggs: Includes eggs On protein, as yolk eggs rich with choline, Which from Materials the mission very to strengthen memory.
§ dairy: Prepare Derivatives dairy source Well for vitamin "NS" the necessary to grow tissues the brain, and for enzymes, and for car nervousness, as that it Contains On vitamin "Dr" Which Need mechanism children in their growth.
§ Beans and beans: where they are rich with proteins, carbohydrates, and fiber, and vitamins, metal, and acids greasy, that are considered as a task for jobs the brain let's grow.
§ fruits red rich with vitamin c: and prepare element Whatever for health Child and his intelligence, Available vitamin "NS" in abundance in fruits red, like berries the wild and strawberry, and cherry and grapes the Red, This is amazing fruits anti oxidation stimulate a job the brain also.
§ Vegetables: Vegetables like a tomato, carrots, and gourd, and potatoes sweet, and spinach Source excellent for antihistamines oxidation, and maintain On cells the brain healthy good.
that food balanced full, and delivery the information for the child the way Occasion To make it easier on him save it and learn it, and find motivation he have to learn and remembering, and connect what learn it with the environment and his life daily, he is what help him On keep informative, and he what strengthen his memory and improve his performance.
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